Rechtskulturen Conversation
Mo. 21 Okt. 2013 | 18:00–20:00

Scales of Urban Citizenship: Seeing Like a City, Seeing Like a Neighbourhood, Seeing Like a Firm

Mariana Valverde (Toronto)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Room 002, Universitätsstraße 3b, 10117 Berlin

Think & Drink Colloquium

A five-year empirical  research on how the city of Toronto uses its legal tools leads to the conclusion that theoretical work on citizenship in the urban context could benefit from an analytical framework that has more dimensions than the usual city-state-global tripartite division of powers and knowledges. First, it is important to understand the profound differences between the logic of citizenship at the neighbourhood (and micro-neighbourhood) level and citizenship at the scale of the (large) city. Secondly, it is necessary to go beyond the theoretical tools provided by geographers' explorations of scale and scale shifts and include temporal scale as an important dimension, when analyzing both official and grasroots practices of citizenship.

In cooperation with the Department of Urban and Regional Sociology and the Georg Simmel Centre for Metropolitan Studies, HU Berlin

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