Rechtskulturen Conversation
Di. 11 Juni 2013 | 10:00–13:00

Legal Culture(s) in the Ottoman Empire

Umut Öszu, Will Hanley, Saba Mahmood, Helmut Philipp Aust

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Juristische Fakultät, Room E23, Unter den Linden 9, 10099 Berlin

A Rechtskulturen Conversation with Umut Öszu, Will Hanley, Saba Mahmood (tbc), and Helmut Philipp Aust

In this roundtable seminar, a small group of scholars shall discuss papers and current projects on Ottoman law and history, from the disciplinary perspectives of (international) law, history, and sociology / anthropology.

Papers will be circulated in advance.

If you are interested to participate and / or present a paper yourself, please register by Wednesday, 5 June, with

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