2011/ 2012

Krishna Swamy Dara

Caste, Culture and Law: Dalit and African American Challenge to Conservatism in Legal Cultures

Krishna Swamy Dara is a political scientist and currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), New Delhi, India. In 2007, he received his doctorate from the Department of Political Science at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. The thesis titled "The Idea of Minority in Ambedkar's Thought: Equality and Differential Rights" was supervised by Prof. Valerian Rodrigues and was awarded the best PhD for 2007 by the Nirman Foundation, India. Published in 2009, Dara's study is a critical analysis of the neglected political thought of an important Dalit intellectual and Indian leader: Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Dara's forthcoming publications include a survey on Indian political thought for the Indian Council for Social Research, book chapters on feminism, marxism and postmodernism in International Relations Theory. He also has extensively published on the condition of minorities (Dalits) in India; his most recent article titled "Demography of a Political Subject" was published in the journal of the Société de Stratégie. Dara's research interests include: political philosophy, legal reasoning and practice in India, social and political movements in India, Western political thought, Indian politics, minority issues, Indian political ideas with special emphasis on minority leaders and thinkers, political psychology particularly with regard to Dalits, untouchability and the issues of social recognition and stigma, socio-legal discourse and practice in India with special reference to non-religious minorities.

Caste, Culture and Law: Dalit and African American Challenge to Conservatism in Legal Cultures

In Berlin, Dara will assess how caste (race), culture and law intersect, especially how the Dalit and African American experience has been in combating legal conservatism in India and the US.