Mo. 23 Jan. 2012 | 17:00–19:00

Legal Cities? Urban Renewal and Immigration in Berlin’s IBA 1984/87
Esra Akcan (Rechtskulturen Fellow); Comment: Anna-Bettina Kaiser (Berlin)
Mo. 09 Jan. 2012 | 18:00–20:00

Mo. 19 Dez. 2011 | 17:00–19:00

Domesticating the Word: Truth, endemic silence and the articulations of a violent past
Alejandro Castillejo Cuéllar (Rechtskulturen Fellow); Comments: Paul Bornkamm (Berlin), Christian Tomuschat (Berlin)
Mo. 05 Dez. 2011 | 18:00–20:00

Mo. 21 Nov. 2011 | 17:00–19:00

The Legal Life of Urban Spaces
Christine Hentschel (Rechtskulturen Fellow), Comment: Helmut Philipp Aust (Berlin)
Do. 17 Nov. 2011

Mi. 16 Nov. 2011 | 20:00–22:00

Di. 15 Nov. 2011 | 09:00–12:00

Mo. 07 Nov. 2011 | 18:00–20:00

Human Rights Protection Through Strategic Litigation. Experiences Of A Litigator
Wolfgang Kaleck (Berlin)
Mo. 24 Okt. 2011 | 18:00–20:00

Mo. 17 Okt. 2011 | 19:00–21:00

A Cosmopolitan Legal Order: Constitutional Pluralism and Rights Adjudication in Europe
Alec Stone Sweet (New Haven)
Mo. 17 Okt. 2011 | 10:00–13:00

Constitutionalism in Progress - An Exchange on Current Research
with Alec Stone Sweet (New Haven)
Mo. 12 Sept. 2011 | 09:00–19:00

Lauterpacht and Beyond:
Jewish/German Authorship and the History of International Law - convened by Reut Y. Paz
Di. 26 Juli 2011 | 10:00–17:00

Mi. 13 Juli 2011 | 19:00–21:00

The Right to the City as a Human Right: Limits and Promise
Balakrishnan Rajagopal (Boston / Jerusalem)
Mo. 04 Juli 2011 | 19:00–21:00

Berliner Seminar Recht im Kontext
Dominique Schnapper: Le Conseil Constitutionnel: An Analysis from Inside
Mo. 06 Juni 2011 | 19:00–21:00

Berliner Seminar Recht im Kontext
Markus Krajewski (Weimar) / Alexandra Kemmerer (Berlin): Cornelia Vismanns 'Medien der Rechtsprechung'
Mo. 09 Mai 2011 | 19:00–21:00

Berliner Seminar Recht im Kontext
Marcus Llanque (Augsburg): Verfassungsgebung als forcierter Lernprozess: zur Genealogie des Grundgesetzes